Ways to get fit for Summer with these indoor exercises

Getting fit is a goal for many people. It can be difficult to find the time and motivation to go outside and exercise, especially when the weather isn’t cooperating. There are plenty of indoor exercises that you can do without ever leaving your home or apartment. These exercises will help you stay in shape without having to brave the elements!

  • Exercise helps improve overall health by increasing muscle tone and strength, which reduces stress on joints.
  • It increases energy levels so that you feel more awake throughout the day (and less tired at night).
  • Regular physical activity reduces risk factors associated with heart diseases such as high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure; it also lowers blood sugar levels if you have diabetes mellitus type 2


Yoga is a great way to get fit, especially if you’re new to exercise. It’s also one of the most popular forms of exercise in the United States, with over 20 million people practising it regularly. Yoga involves stretching and strengthening your muscles while also calming your mind.

Yoga poses (also called asanas) are named after animals or objects in nature because they resemble these things:

Downward dog: A downward dog looks like an upside-down V shape with its legs bent at an angle and its head pointed toward the floor

Cobra pose: This is similar to the cobra snake movement where you raise your chest off the floor while keeping your legs straight and arms raised above your head

Strength Training

The first thing you should do is to get a pair of dumbbells. You can use these at home and they’re very affordable, so there’s no reason not to have them in your house!

Once you’ve got the dumbbells, there are tons of exercises that will help strengthen all parts of your body. Try doing squats or lunges with them–they’ll help build up those legs! If you want some ideas for other exercises using dumbbells, check out this article. 

Another option is resistance bands (also called stretch bands). They’re less expensive than weights but still allow for some good strength training because they provide resistance as you move through different movements. For example: if I were doing bicep curls with my right arm while holding onto one end of a band around my left foot (with both ends anchored securely), then as I raise my arm up towards my shoulder level it would become harder due to tension from the band pulling against me!

HIIT Workouts

HIIT workouts are short, intense cardio exercises that will help you burn fat and lose weight. They’re great for people who don’t have a lot of time to exercise but want results fast.

A HIIT workout can be as simple as switching between sprinting and walking on a treadmill or elliptical machine or doing pushups with high knees in place of regular squats. The key is that it’s all done at a high intensity so you get maximum results in little time!


Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on stretching and strengthening the muscles, as well as improving balance and posture. It can be done with or without equipment, depending on your level of fitness.

The Pilates method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 1900s when he noticed that many people were suffering from poor health due to poor posture and weak muscles. He created a series of exercises based on yoga and callisthenics to help strengthen these areas while improving overall body alignment. The exercises are done in a slow, controlled manner so they don’t put too much strain on any one part of your body–this makes them ideal for anyone with back pain or other injuries that make other forms of exercise difficult or painful (which includes most people).

There are several different poses involved in this type of workout:

  • The Hundred: This is an excellent beginner move because it stretches out every muscle group from head to toe.
  • Chair Pose: This pose strengthens ankles while helping you improve balance.
  • Plank: A great core workout!

