Trials and tribulations of home working

During the last few weeks, we have all experienced the trials and tribulations of working from home. While many of us thought we would find it difficult working remotely, some found it much more manageable.

With the help of technology, and communicating through business software, we have been able to share ideas, deliver presentations and conduct meetings with our colleagues and customers.

As the country works towards coming out of lockdown, we are coming to terms with the fact that the new norm will change the way we live and work in the future.

The flexibility of home working 

The flexibility of working from home along with the saving of time and money, by eliminating costs of commuting and rental charges for office space has given many of us food for thought. But a home office requires an area where you can separate your work life from your personal life.

Therefore, many people are considering the costs of office space versus investing in a larger home where you can turn a spare room into an office or maybe even have a garden office. 

Not only will this let you spend more time with your family, but research proves home workers are more productive, happier, healthier and less stressed.

Choosing the ideal place

When looking for the ideal place to live and work, you need to consider space, light, and where to position your office. By eliminating commuting, your choice of location becomes more significant, so you can choose where you want to live as opposed to how easy is it to commute.

Although our marketing suites may not be open yet, please take a look through our video gallery and view some of our fabulous house styles.

The new norm may have changed things, but technology can help us find a better work-life balance. 

