In an exciting collaboration with the local Saline community, Allanwater Homes extended a creative invitation to the eager young minds of primaries one and two from Saline Primary School. Tasked with transforming a portion of the showhome gardens at The Views, Saline, these children slipped into the roles of landscape gardeners for an unforgettable day of hands-on learning and fun.
Guided by their teacher, Erin Lindsay, the children enthusiastically embraced the adventure, clad in high-visibility vests and Wellington boots. With miniature tools in hand, they set to work, planting a vibrant array of colourful bedding plants. Their collective effort resulted in a cheerful and inviting garden display, enhancing the welcoming atmosphere for visitors of the showhome.
The day was punctuated with a well-deserved break, where the children enjoyed snacks and drinks before being presented with goodie bags as a token of appreciation for their hard work and creativity.
This event at our Saline development not only brought a burst of color and life to The Views but also fostered a meaningful connection between Allanwater Homes and Saline Primary School’s young, budding gardeners.