Our Process
Buying a new home is possibly the biggest purchase you will ever make, so we ensure that the process is as straightforward as possible.
What Happens Next?

Next Allanwater Homes will remove the property from the market and update our solicitors and development site team that the property has now been reserved.

Your Sales Manager shall provide you with regular communication and updates on the progress of your new home.
Health and Safety

Your safety is of utmost importance to us.
Always Caring

With all new homes, there are always some tiny nagging problems. However, at Allanwater Homes, we provide you with a two-year guarantee on your home, which commences as soon as you take ownership of the property.

What happens if you have a problem
Natural Settlement Guarantee

Allanwater provides a two-year guarantee on your home which commences from the day you take ownership. We guarantee everything for this period which is caused by faulty workmanship or materials.

It is anticipated that you will proceed to entering a formal contract (otherwise referred to as “Missives”) with Allanwater Homes within the reservation period 28 days at which point a further £1000 is required.